Coding round questions for freshers in C

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Are you looking to freshen up your coding skills? One of the most important programming languages to learn is C. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of the basic syntax rules in C.

First, let’s talk about data types. These are specific sets of values that correspond to certain types such as variables and strings that can be used in a computer program. Every C program must define the data type before it can use them.

Next come variables. Variables are reserved words or names that are used to store values that may change during a program’s execution. Variables need to be declared before they can be used, and they must have a valid data type associated with them.

Comments are also important in C programming language as they can provide notes or explanations about specific parts of code. These comments will not affect the execution of a program and they start with double slashes (//).

Operators are symbols that tell the compiler to perform certain operations on variables or values. There are six common operators in C: addition (+), minus (), multiplication (*), divide (/), modulus (%) and increment (++).

Decision making is another essential concept for writing code in C as it allows for branching logic within a program, allowing for different paths depending on user input or certain conditions being met. This is typically done through if else statements, switch statements, ternary operator etc.

Loops are also necessary when writing programs so that certain segments of code can be repeatedly executed until certain criteria has been met or exceeded (such as while loops).